Pt-85 light tank 380694-Pt-85 light tank

Jul 28, 17 · The PT85 is, itself, based on the Soviet PT76 Amphibious Light Tank The PT85 is seen as a local development for North Korea to succeed the PT76 stock though it is indeed inspired by the PT76 About 3,0 M09 vehicles are believed toDuring the First Indochina War (1946 –1954), Vietnam War (1955–1975), Cambodian–Vietnamese War (1977–19), SinoVietnamese War (1979) and the SinoVietnamese conflicts 1979– 1991 (1979–1991), the Vietnam People's Ground Force relied almost entirely on Sovietderived weapons and equipment systems With the end of the Cold War in 1992 Soviet military equipmentSep 30, 15 · And I just noticed I forgot to mention the 3BK7 HEAT round, which will be coming on the ASU85 SPG and the PT85 (object 906) light tank if it ever comes Data added 1

M24 Chaffee Military Wiki Fandom

M24 Chaffee Military Wiki Fandom

Pt-85 light tank

Pt-85 light tank-In order to address the whole spectrum of threats on the modern battlefield, new systems are being developed and older systems redesigned Examples are heavy armament combat vehicles (HACVs) and heavy combat support vehicles Tank armor protection continues to increase;But another way to defeat them is to defeat associated systems

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British Tanks Of The Inter War Decades

Nov 29, 17 North Korean PT85 Amphibious Light Tank North Korean designation is M1981 Shin'hueng (Rise) This vehicle is indigenous to the DPRK, having been built on the chassis of the VTT323 APC, which itself a copy of the Chinese YWH 531/Type 63 APC* One battalion of PT76 amphibious light tanks and Type 62 light tanks * 16 * 10 * 100 as of 1985, 600 as of 1990, 550 as of 1995 and 00, 400 as of 02 and 560 as of 05 North Korea also operates a number of North Korean PT85 amphibious light tanksLight Tanks Light Tank 2S25 • T54 • T100 Light Tank, Amphibious 685 • 906 • PT76 (A, B, M) • PT85 • PT90 Light Tank, Amphibious Command PT76K IFV 19 • 911 • 914 • B10 • B19 • BMP64 • BMPT • BMPV64 • T15 IFV, Amphibious 764 • 765 • 911 • BMP1 • BMP2 (D • M) • BMP3 (F • FK • Fr • K

Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tank with slat armor, MBT, camoThe PT­85 Sinhung is a light amphibious tank system (may also be known as the Type or Type 85) in service with the North Korean People's Army (KPA) It is armed with an 85 mm main gun and an ATM launcher capable of firing 9M14M Malyutka ATGMsTurret of the M1985 light tank is similar to that, of the Soviet PT76, but has some modifications It is armed with a nonstabilized 85 mm rifled gun, similar to that of the Chinese Type 63 amphibious light tank The tank can fire accurately only when it is stationary or during short stops The gun is loaded manually

Oct 31, 17 · First and last of their kind;Illustration of the Type 87 PT85, current North Korean amphibious tank, armed with a scaledown version of the T54/55 gun, 84mm, and mix between a PT76 and VTT323, which is basically scaled up An unknown, unnamed light tank spotted in 19 (first spotted by spioenkop) Illustrated by David BocqueletMay 14, 14 · There is absolutely no suitable candidate for Soviet tier 8 light tank Another possible gun option is the 85 mm gun of the PT85, a variant of the tank used by North Korea Note that this MIGHT be a smoothbore gun, as it can launch ATGMs irl, so this may not be suitable

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Beyond these main battle tanks, the North Korean military operates an unknown number of truly antique vehicles such as the PT76 and T34 One very interesting design is the PT85 light tank, roughly similar to the PT76 but based on the VTT323 hull (which itself isSep 04, 16 · No While there is a North Korean PT85 which is an amphibious tank based on the Chinese Type 85 personnel carrier, this is actually an entirely separate Russian prototype vehicleVirtual excursion to Pavilion N3 (light Soviet tanks, SU, BMD and BTRD), tank museum in Kubinka Soviet Light amphibious tank PT85 "Object 906" Developed in 1963 Issued two prototypes Was not at the Soviet Army service In the battles did not participate

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Ob'yekt 906B PT85 light Amphibious Tank aka PT906 Ob'yekt 907 Version of PT76 with modified hull aka PT76M Ob'yekt 909 Design of command on Ob'yekt 906 Vehicle chassisJun 18, 11 · North Korea PT85 Light Tank (45) Soviet Union SU100 Tank destroyer (132) for training Helicopters Soviet Union Mil Mi24A/D Hind attack helicopters (36) Soviet Union Mil Mi6 Hook heavy transport helicopter (1015) Soviet Union Mil Mi8 Hip transport helicopters (66)Apr 17, 19 · The PT85 is a light amphibious tank system (may also be known as the "Type " or "Type 85") in service with the North Korean People's Army (KPA)

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This page was last edited on 24 July 15, at 22 Content is available under CC BYNCSA 30 unless otherwise noted Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensorsAn interesting vehicle in North Korea's arsenal, and one which may have played a pivotal role in the development of North Korea's military industry, is the M1981 Shin'heung, an amphibious light tank also known as the M1985 (its name given by the US Department of Defence) or the PT85 (a popular name given due to the vehicle's often greatly exaggerated link to the PT76)1 History 2 Ingame 3 Pros and Cons 31 Pros 32 Cons 4 Navigation The PT76 is a Soviet amphibious light tank which was introduced in the early 1950's and soon became the standard reconnaissance tank of the Soviet Army and the other Warsaw Pact armed forces It was widely exported to other friendly states, like India, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, and North Vietnam Overall,

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Signin to your account Play Now!The PT85 is a tier 1 light tank originating from Soviet Union It is sold by Marat Shishkin and leads to the T55, T92 LT, T62 and BMD1 This vehicle is one of the five starting vehicles in Armored Warfare, along with the M41, Scimitar, M50 and Type 62The PT85 is a North Korean produced amphibious light tank, based on the lengthened VTT323 APC chassis, and featuring a turret similar in appearance to PT76 one with several modifications The PT85 is armed with the 85 mm main gun and an ATGM launcher capable of firing 9M14M Malyutka ATGM It is also known as Type and Type 85

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